Guild Leader Effondil

Greetings Travellers

You have found the gathering place of the Guild known as Silver Moon. Come in, sit down and pull up a beer or a soft drink.
This is an old and well respected guild. We have been through ups and downs, good and bad times. We look to the future based on our past.
Originally it was a small group of friends. Now it is a larger group of friends many started as you; a stranger, but became a friend, others with knowing one or two got to know us all.
The Silver Moon Guild is based on a concept called the Silver Moon Spirit – (nothing to do with volatile rum) it is a way of thinking that effects all you say and do – how you react to different circumstances. The Motto - We Care… We Share… We have Fun... partly describes it but does not cover it in full. All I can say is to be a Silver Moon you must have it.
We have social events and we have adventures but whatever we do we are always Silver Moon.
Feel free to look at who and what we are, our history and our hopes for the future.
If, when you have had a look around, you would like to be considered for membership or would like a chat please feel free to contact us in Argent Dawn by message or in person alternativly you an apply here on the site and someone will get back to you.
This is an rp guild on an rp server. We are not a hardcore rp guild. We have members in raid communities. We are looking to do some raiding but this will always be an rp guild that raids and never vice versa.
There are no rules as such. This is because those with the Silver Moon Spirit don’t need rules – they know instinctively what is or isn’t good, should or shouldn’t be said or done.
Core words: Politeness, camaraderie, honesty, rp, trust, family, respect.
* Politeness: Don’t do to others what you don’t want to be done to you.
* Camaraderie: Say hi to other members when you see them. Keep up spirits, assist others and don’t expect anything in return. No need to drop whatever you’re doing, but you can always set a date for a mutual quest/raid with others.
* Honesty: Always be honest to other people. No cheating!
* Roleplay: rp medium/light.
/s and /y should always be ic.
/g is ic whenever possible. If not – please use ((…))
/p is by agreement and generally a mix though.
/r tends to be business but ic in breaks are welcome.
/w should be ic if unknown, otherwise by agreement
* Trust: Once you’re in the guild, you will have earned our trust.
* Family: Meet up with others, spend time together, make a conscience effort to get to know other guildies.
* Respect: Respect each other and each others’ views. You can agree to disagree!
You are expected to attend guild meetings. If you are online at the time you should be there.
You are expected to read MOTD. It is used for announcements – so read it – so don’t keep asking when and where things are arranged for – it will be there.
Joining: Every new player that wants to enter the guild will have to spend some time with different guildies before being considered for membership. This is to ensure that the friendship from both sides will work out and to see if the Silver Moon Spirit is present in the candidate. We are no elitists but we want people with the same vision in our family. Too many different visions will result in stress. We don’t want stress. The guild is open to all Alliance races and classes.
A new member must be sponsored by 3 guild members having spent time with them both socially and adventuring. There must be no guild member opposing the joining. If there is opposition a meeting will be arranged between the proposed member and those that oppose so that it can be sorted out
amicably. The Guild Leader will also attend the meeting. All new members must be at least level 20. The 3 members are responsible for the new member’s conduct at the start, for introducing them to others and generally getting them into the swing of things. All start as a New Moon.
Alts Every guild member may have one alt in the guild if he so wishes. Alts will be indicated in the guild roster with “AKA ‘name of main character’”. Alts will be the last eligible when something is offered in the guild. Mains go first. Alts may join at any level and do not require sponsors. Kicking Our goal is never to kick any members. Unfortunately, this is needed sometimes. Things that can get you kicked: -Not having been online for 3 months without warning. -Repeatedly violating Silver Moon Spirit. -Cheating in the game (hacking/exploiting/buying gold/etc..)
The Guild Leader cannot kick a person without the agreement of the majority of the council and giving the opportunity to put your side unless it is for non online activity without warning. Ranks
True Moon The guild leader. Only the True Moon can invite new members to the guild or kick them if need be. Only The True Moon can promote or demote. They are the diplomatic face of the guild and will be aided closely by the council of the guild. The True Moon is a Full Moon as well.
The founder of the Guild. There is by definition only one – Redwing.

Counsellors are Full Moons. These are the people that will be there for your questions. They will help you as best they can. They represent the guild leader in all aspects and will be able to make certain decisions on that level. They will also work together very closely to make such decisions. Counsellors can ask other members for assistance in specific tasks. Each counsellor has a more detailed function also. Geuze: Raids, tactics, raiding community. Maxchouffe: Second in command
Full Moon

Originally the founding members of the guild, over time this rank has become more of a privilege for hardworking members to deserve. The True Moon, Legend and the Counsellors are Full Moons. There are other Full Moons as well. Full Moons are there as examples and to help. All the Full Moons make up the Guild Council.
Promotion to Full Moon is by the recommendation of and full agreement by the Guild Council. As stated above it is a privilege, it is also a great honour.
With it comes responsibilities; they are required to assist the True Moon in the running of the guild and to advise the True Moon. Half Moon This is the rank guild members should aim for. Anyone who has been with the guild a reasonably long time and proven their worth should be able to attain this rank. To become a half Moon you must have attended guild events both designated and non-designated. You must have arranged at least one designated guild event. You must be proposed for promotion by Guild Council Members.
Crescent Moon
For promotion to Crescent Moon you must have attended at least two guild functions. These can be social or adventuring. Guild functions are designated as such when announced. You must also be sponsored by a different three guild members to those who were responsible for you joining. This is to ensure the candidate is mixing well with the guild.
New Moon This is where it all starts, new members will begin here. You will be invited to join if all the criteria have been met. You will be presented with your tabard at the next Guild Meeting, you will make your vows to the guild at that time also. Retired This is the rank where you’ll end up if you have not been online for a month. After three months you will be kicked from the guild. If you leave the guild this way you are free to rejoin but you will probably start at New Moon, though exceptions can be made.

To be revamped after discussion but the principle will remain the same. Ask and you will receive – in exchange for a service or some goods needed by the bank suited to your level and trades.
Guild tools at your disposal: Forum: Try to be active on the forum; it’s a great source of information.
Callendar: an easy way to set dates for events. Please post as far in advance as possible.